Real estate Lawyer in Reims
The law firm Rolland intervenes in property law in Reims and in Champagne-Ardenne. Do not hesitate to call on to your lawyerin property law to know more about it.
Commercial leases of house / leases
Besides the Civil code, numerous legislative texts organize particular statusesfor, commercial leases and to a certain extent professional leases.
These specific regulations require a legal support as soon as it is a question of solving a problem or a dispute bound to this type of contract.
That you are a lessor, a tenant or still joint and several guarantees, The ROLLAND cabinet is capable of intervening in the support of your interests regarding disputes relative to the rents and the loads, the assignment aiming at the cancellation clause of the lease, the eviction and it until the complete execution of the begun judicial decisions.
The co-ownership of the built buildings is the legal regime of " any built building or group of built buildings the property of which is distributed, between several people, by prizes(lots) understanding each a privative part and a share of common areas" (L. no 65-557 of 10 juill. 1965, art. 1st, al. 1st, D. 1965. 222).
This shape of appropriation is complex because of the distinctions which it implies between the various components of the building (left privative, common areas), but also because of the multiplicity of the legal qualifications which it conjugates: property divides, undivided property, legal personality, real loads…They overlap and become muddled.
In case of dispute concerning the co-ownership, the labor unionof the co-owners and each of the co-owners are holders of the right to take legal action and to be attended of a lawyer.
Common ownership
The common ownership is a technique of real estate construction planned by the Civil Code and dressed in the quality of land responsibility.
Things being what they are, to build a separative wall or to take advantage of him to lean works there obeys not only the rulesof the art but also the rigorous legal prescriptions.
The met problems can be diverse and upset your everyday lifein all the more important a way as it is about your place of life: obligations and responsibilities bound to the maintenance, the repair, the reconstruction, the contribution to the works but also the problems boundto the exercise of your rights of user (right of user of walls, right for the division of civil fruits of the wall, the right to have the wall and the fences, the right to heighten the wall)
Disorders of the neighborhood
The ROLLAND cabinet will be able to propose you solutions so amicable as judicial provided you with as it is about disorders boundto the building (damages, ruins, disorders resulting from works) either of disorders specifically bound to the neighborhood (sound disorders), visual pollution).
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