Criminal law of labor
It is a particular branch of the general criminal law, breaches of which are codified within the Penal code.
By criminal law of the work, we hear the set of breaches (fines and offences) committed within the framework of the working relationship and the extras also in the Labor code.
As regards procedural rules, besides the repressive powers confided to the Administration (Labour inspection), they are codified in the Code of criminal procedure and raise penal jurisdictions (Criminal court, alternative procedures in the prosecution in front of Public prosecutor).
Some examples of problems bound to the criminal law of the work: discrimination, moral and\or sexual harassment, violation of professional secrecy, offence of revelation of trade secret, offence of obstacle to the employee's adviser, the obtaining of not paid services, hidden work, working obstacle to freedom, reached the physical integrity engendered by an occupational accident, risk caused in others, problems bound to trade associations.
That you are an employer or an employee, our Cabinet will be there to advise you and defend your interests in front of the penal jurisdictions.
See also :
Déclaration d'impôts et séparation en cours d'année
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VIDEOSURVEILLANCE au travail, les règles à respecter
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